Der Alkoholverkauf in Russland erreicht 2024 ein Rekordhoch


  1. Jackbuddy78 on

    Seems as life gets harder for those impacted by the war they retreat into addiction rather than civil action. 

    Unable to trust one another and seeing no possible future. 

  2. When you can’t afford food the next best thing is to drown yourself in drink. When you can’t heat your home you find out alcohol won’t help you. Wait till 2025 comes around it’s going to be a son-a-ma-bitch of a year!

  3. asdhjasdhlkjashdhgf on

    half of the story. The other half, or better 61% of the market is state owned Rosspirtprom.

  4. No-Arachnid9518 on

    Well, Russia has always been a gold medalist in the drinking Olympics, but breaking their own record? That’s some next-level dedication. Hats off to the Russian people for their unwavering commitment to outdoing themselves in the fine art of alcohol consumption. Cheers to resilience, sheer willpower, and ironclad livers! 🍻

  5. WasThatWet on

    And that’s with hundreds of thousands fleeing the country or becoming cannon fodder in Ukpraine. People wonder where stereotypes come from.

  6. Final_Pension_3353 on

    Hey; if you were in Russia you’d want to get perpetually shit-faced too.

  7. Appropriate-Ant6171 on

    It’s a shame that they only started collecting data in 2017. It would be interesting to compare this to the initial post-Soviet years.

  8. EmbarrassedHelp on

    How difficult would it be to eliminate most of the alcohol production in Russia? We might get some more unrest if the peoples’ means of hiding from the world are taken away, and this would hopefully draw the Russian government’s focus inwards.

  9. BEERsandBURGERs on

    Russian alcoholics seem upper-bottom class, compared to the lower-bottom class mephedrone drug users.
    Available through specialized darknet sites->place order->get dead drop location, like a lamppost.
    Now also in the occupied Ukrainian territories, Crimea, parts of Luhansk and Donetsk.
    Users can leave reviews of their dead drop delivery.
    Dead drop delivery guys who get seriously bad reviews, will be filmed while being beaten up, beaten to a pulp, raped or killed.
    Which will be shown as advertisements to create brand loyalty.
    Oh, these guys advertise open in the streets or with a city bus, with QR code on the side to place your first order.
    Kid you not.

  10. Livid-Fig-842 on

    Let’s speed run this.

    Russia floods the US with misinformation. The US should flood Russia with cheap alcohol.

    See who drops first.

  11. Quirky-Scar9226 on

    Putler’s fertility push will only push Russia deeper into the grips of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.

  12. SonOfStumpy on

    Soon, there will be a civil war in Russia…… Dont let us stop you!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣👌🏻

  13. OldManPip5 on

    We should get them some fentanyl. Just flood the streets of Moscow and St. Petersburg.

  14. goodbyenewindia on

    Works out to about 12.8 liters per man, woman, and child living in russia over a 10 month period.

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