Bawowna im GRAU-Arsenal in Karatschew, Gebiet Brjansk. GRAU ist die Hauptdirektion für Raketen und Artillerie des Verteidigungsministeriums der Russischen Föderation

    Von Exotic-Strawberry667


    1. Fools.

      We were *just talking* about how a vast arc from Smolensk down to Rostov-na-Donu has recently fallen within Ukraine’s strike range. If a bunch of Generals of the 101st Chairborne Division can figure that out dicking around on Reddit, then it must be *really freaking obvious*.

      So what are you all still doing there? Hoping for air defense? What air defense?? It’s been shredded.

      The only hope is to withdraw outside of that entire range. Create a voluntary demilitarized buffer zone. Can’t supply the troops anymore? Well okay withdraw the troops then too. Take everything with you and get further than 500km from the Ukrainian border.

      Well. Until the new Hrims are ready in large numbers. Then it’s going to be close to twice that. You might have to evacuate Moscow.

      But get started running now, and you might have time.

    2. Think_Impossible on

      So the missile directorate just got directly missiled? Good.

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