Japan hat seltene Mineralien im Wert von 26 Milliarden US-Dollar entdeckt, die seiner Wirtschaft im nächsten Jahrzehnt Auftrieb geben werden



  1. Da_Real_Kyuuri on

    I’m waiting to see how it’s gonna actually do anything for the economy, and how many decades its gonna take.

  2. ConanTheLeader on

    I don’t believe it. It’s like those articles from time to time “Scientists make new discovery about cancer that changes everything.”. Just more hyperbole to get clicks.

  3. SpeesRotorSeeps on

    “5,700 meters below sea level” — I’m no ocean sea-floor mining expert but that seems, a wee bit difficult?

  4. Copperhead881 on

    Is there any underwater authority for this or can they just start mining? I vaguely recall some European country finding a similar cache.

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