Quebec möchte den Zugang zu Abtreibungspillen und Empfängnisverhütung verbessern
Quebec aims to increase access to abortion pills, contraception
Quebec möchte den Zugang zu Abtreibungspillen und Empfängnisverhütung verbessern
Quebec aims to increase access to abortion pills, contraception
How to increase tourism from the US:
– Drinking age: 18.
– Legal cannabis.
– Over-the-counter reproductive drugs.
Typical Québec W
In other news, Quebec notes sharp drop in its fertility rate.
Great news!
Thank you,
all women.
Quebec, BC, and Manitoba are soon to be swamped with medical tourism from America and Alberta, Sask, and maybe Ontario. What a crazy timeline we are living in, congrats conservatives and foreign assets, your 10s of millions in propaganda on social media has proven to be a good investment.
I love that Quebec is the total opposite of Trump Magaland.
I love that Quebec is the total opposite of Trump Magaland, except the racism.