Steuererhöhungen im Haushalt schwächen das Verbrauchervertrauen in Großbritannien und werden das Lohnwachstum beeinträchtigen, heißt es in Berichten

Von slobbyKnob1


  1. citruspers2929 on

    Maybe the party just elected on a manifesto of hope and change shouldn’t have hit us with austerity 2.0

  2. All worth it to get our tube drivers a four day week and a pay rise.

  3. florenceceline on

    Supposedly income tax thresholds will rise from 2028

    Except they’ll cancel that in a subsequent budget. Presumably from another “black hole” they make up.

    People will put up with paying more tax for nothing, farming families who barely make enough to live on will lose the farm when the owner dies. If you want to better yourself you can’t do buy to let, if you invest in something like crypto and do well you get hammered by high capital gains. If you strive to put money into a pension you’ll pay income tax AND your children will pay inheritance tax AND income tax again on anything they draw down.

    What’s the point of making an effort? What’s the point of “doing the right thing”?

    The conservatives were rubbish but this is shit and an economic doom spiral

  4. Minimum-Geologist-58 on

    Labour unfortunately cocked up that budget. The major problem is that it’s just a crowding out.

    If you invest in the public sector solely through taxing the private sector and borrowing you don’t actually do anything in growth terms except transfer existing growth between sectors with a loss in the transfer. So rather than growing anything as the OBR forecast shows they’ll actually cause less economic growth than if they’d done absolutely nothing. God help poor old Britain!

  5. Runlevel_Zero on

    If only there was a market near us that we could access to increase taxable revenues, the name escapes me though.

  6. bluecheese2040 on

    New Labour…same danger.

    Same old tories….same old curruption.

    Anyone to vote for that isn’t a nutter….

  7. LeoIsLegend on

    Love the tax changes the last 5 years. Nothing like tax changes to try and keep everyone poor.

  8. deyterkourjerbs on

    Flawed article. The fall in CSI is negligible, it’s back what it was in September. S&P’s CSI fluctuates.

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