Wie lange muss man arbeiten, um in EUROPA ein iPhone 16 pro max zu kaufen – basierend auf dem Durchschnittsgehalt

Von Paradoxar


  1. Intelligent-Bus230 on

    For me it’s round zero. I do not need to work at all to buy iPhone.

  2. Striking_Reality5628 on

    It would be great if the figures also took into account the time spent looking for a job with a realistic salary.

  3. MilkTiny6723 on

    2 hours, thats it!

    Would never waste more time than that for an iPhone.

    So I guess, no iPhone for me.

  4. AperolRitz on

    If only a tax evasion loophole wanted an iPhone, Ireland could have one in 33 hours!

  5. Valuable-Lie-1524 on

    Checks out for me. Blue collar worker in the german dairy industry, west germany specifically. On average 3500€/month after taxes, about 5500€ pre taxes with 160 hour work month.

  6. Ceramicrabbit on

    Is this part of the reason Android is so much more popular in Europe?

  7. Formal_Obligation on

    Is this one of those maps where the main source is “trust me bro” ? Because I find it hard to believe that the average salary in the UK is higher than in Germany and lower than in Ireland, or that Slovakia and the Czech Republic are so similar.

  8. Hot_Pomelo_3007 on

    It is not a honest map: Russia should be 800-1200h, Belarus 970-1500h, Ukraine 2weeks by 40h.

  9. redditor_014 on

    Fake… in Balkans iPhone is free if you can steal one from western tourist.


  10. Buzzlight_Year on

    According to this map, the average Swede nets around 70000 SEK a month (~6000€ / $6400)

  11. hourly min wage ( [More than 35% of employed people earn minimum wage.](https://arastirma.disk.org.tr/?p=10615#:~:text=Merkez%20Bankas%C4%B1%20ve%20D%C4%B0SK%2DAR,yasal%20asgari%20%C3%BCcrete%20dahi%20eri%C5%9Femiyor.) ) in Turkiye is 75.56 TL. price of iPhone 16 is 65000 TL. The result is 65000/75.56 = 860h.

    average wage in Turkiye is 23000 TL. iPhone 16 can be purchased in Turkiye in average of 635h.

    210 hour information for Turkiye in the image is completely wrong.

  12. I am sure this map is not correct. I think they dont add country taxes cause regular iphone 16 is around 65000 turkish liras which is 1750 euro. 210 hour of working time is a little bit more than a total monthly work time. Statistics says average salary is 600 euro. You can get an iPhone with 3 month working time.

  13. Sarcastic_Brit314 on

    How much does that work out to once you use the adjusted thingy for Ireland and other tax havens?

  14. Sarcastic_Backpack on

    Looks like that costs $1200 for a straight-up buy. That would take me just under 34 hours.

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