Ein jährlicher Bericht, der 35.000 Mitarbeiter aus 22 Ländern befragt, ergab, dass die „Flitterwochen“ für neue Mitarbeiter keine Rolle mehr spielen und das Onboarding für viele neue Mitarbeiter zu einer schrecklichen Erfahrung geworden ist.



  1. TrueCryptographer982 on

    Nothing to do with the fragile flowers our education institutions are producing who have little if any resilience and object to being told what to do.

  2. JEBariffic on

    “Onboarding” used to be called “training” when I entered the workforce many moons ago. Training sounds important. Change it to “onboarding” and magically it’s something we can do without.

  3. It’s because companies are worse now

    So many are chasing short term profits. It’s not about developing a lifetime employee / employer relationship.

    Now it’s about how fast you can get someone to do the job good enough so executives can get a better quarterly bonus

    My company took training from 3 months to 1.

    Turnover is higher than ever for new people and the morale is bad.

    He have referral bonuses now to try to get people to apply. I don’t hate anyone enoght to put them thru that even for a $1000.

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