Ein Datenkabel über die Ostsee zwischen Finnland und Deutschland ist kaputt, die Ursache ist unbekannt



  1. nourish_the_bog on

    “And the cause has not been yet confirmed to be Russian sabotage as of writing.” there fixed it for ya, AP.

  2. withpatience on

    Hmmm, didn’t a certain country literally threaten to do this, like 2 days ago?

  3. JanToniPiSonaPana on

    ‘ unknown ‘ c’mon just a little ago there were articlea about russian submarines mapping sea cables. 

  4. Ask the Russian ship that was wondering about in the area that had to be escorted out

  5. Clayton_Goldd on

    This is the reply to US missile restrictions being removed. Showing what the escalation will be.

    Fuck Russia, keep hitting them. Its the only thing that the leadership will respect and understand.

  6. gerrymandering_jack on

    It’s not like Russia has a fleet of special subs for seabed warfare? Oh wait….

    >[Russia](https://news.usni.org/2021/11/30/russia-growing-secret-submarine-fleet-key-to-moscows-undersea-future) is the only country with a fleet of special mission subs for seabed warfare and espionage and is expanding the capability.

    >These submarines are operated for the Main Directorate of Deep Sea Research. This is generally known by the Russian acronym GUGI, (Glavnoye Upravleniye Glubokovodnykh Issledovaniy). Missions are believed to include work on undersea communications and sensor networks, hydrocarbon exploitation, submarine rescue and investigating wreckage.

  7. handsoffmydata on

    It‘ll likely remain unknown, throughout the winter, to ensure energy prices remain stable.

  8. BarryBrass90 on

    “Apparently the data cable has fallen from a tall building, our condolences” -Russia, probably. 

  9. CombinationLivid8284 on

    The cause is known. The Russians have literally been threatening this.

    It’s like they are begging for a war with nato

  10. The_boy_who_new on

    This is like when the French newspapers report about a “gang of youths” stabbing an old person. I think we can all figure it out…

  11. Ya not unknown! 100% Russian Sabotage. Given that they are both NATO countries this could be considered an act of war.

  12. ExecutivePhoenix on

    “The cause appears to be completely unknown… But a vodka bottle, a Kalashnikov and a letter that says ‘BLYAT NYET REDDIT 4 U!!’ was inconspicuously left behind… Only time will tell who the real culprit was!”

  13. albanymetz on

    Oceanographers were stunned when initial evidence indicated that the cable accidentally fell from a window.

  14. No-Zookeepergame5954 on

    A communication disruption can only mean one thing – invasion.

  15. Am I taking crazy pills, or was there recently interest about this happening? And, if I recall correctly, everyone in the comments brushed it off saying an attack on undersea cables would be a deliberate act of war against NATO countries. We keep letting Russia escalate their tactics for disrupting NATO countries without any real consequences. It seems the response to something **this serious** is to simply “be prepared with a backup system”, which is satellites. And I just read about the increasing threat from Russian space weapons targeting US & allied satellites. I’m so tired of everyone treating Putin with kid gloves and allowing Russia to do as they please.

    The way I see it, the US will *not* be very helpful soon on an international level in regards to NATO. National security & foreign policy is about to be gutted by the Trump admin alongside a serious economic crisis from the proposed deportations and tariffs/trade war crap. Once the Trump administration puts restrictions on Ukraine and let’s Russia build back up their forces and munitions with the proposed cease fire “deal”, Putin will keep putting pressure on other European countries.

    I don’t mean to sound like a doomer, but the world stage over the next decade is going to be very rough for a lot of people. I sincerely hope I’m wrong. Don’t fall for the carefully curated hate and division, stand up for marginalized communities, and fight as hard as you can against oppression. Good luck, everyone, we’re on this sinking ship together.

    Article regarding the satellite threats: https://www.csis.org/analysis/there-path-counter-russias-space-weapons

    This article from August: https://www.techspot.com/news/104501-russia-could-target-undersea-cables-gps-cripple-western.html

    And from Nov. 7th: https://www.voanews.com/a/russia-interest-in-undersea-internet-cables-raises-alarm/3044819.html

    And this article from about a week ago: https://www.newsweek.com/russia-pipeline-gas-patrushev-putin-1984215

  16. Defiant_Tomatillo907 on

    The Russian ships lingering around them is PURELY COINCIDENCE…..

  17. Sandelsbanken on

    Finnish newspapers now reporting that cable between Sweden and Lithuania is also damaged. Most likely getting more information soon.

  18. SRM_Thornfoot on

    I’ll take “What has Putin been up to” for 2000 dollars, Alex.

  19. Altruistic_Drive_386 on

    russians complaining about speed of youtube… maybe no more youtube, pornhub, or onlyfans etc…

  20. octahexxer on

    Just cut the routing to russia from all isp networks…let them know how fun life is when you mess with the internet.

  21. I guess russia didnt like the west allowing Ukraine unfettered access to long range missiles on russia territory. russia will learn the consequences of throwing rocks from their glass houses.

  22. reminds me again which country only a few days ago was doing the mafia style threats of “nice underwaters cables you have there, shame if something were to happen to them?”

  23. Obviously this was Russia, but why this particular cable? What have Germany and Finland specifically done? Germany especially is ready to give up on Ukraine.

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