Biden sichert 6,6 Milliarden US-Dollar für TSMC-Chipfabriken und stellt damit sicher, dass Trump den CHIPS-Act-Deal nicht aufheben kann
Biden locks in $6.6B for TSMC chip factories, ensuring Trump can’t rescind CHIPS Act deal
Biden sichert 6,6 Milliarden US-Dollar für TSMC-Chipfabriken und stellt damit sicher, dass Trump den CHIPS-Act-Deal nicht aufheben kann
Biden locks in $6.6B for TSMC chip factories, ensuring Trump can’t rescind CHIPS Act deal
Can’t rescind or can’t rescind legally?
This gives me great hope, thanks
Nice job by the Biden administration. Arizonans will forget that Dems made this happen before the next election.
I don’t approve
trump actually might need all these chips when he has pissed off over half the planet
As much as the Chips Act was a huge success and smart economic policy, I remain a little chuffed at how much money went to AZ, Indiana, North Carolina, Ohio & Texas.
I question why such anti-American, anti-science states should be rewarded.
Instead, Trumpf will take full credit.
Trump will rename it the ‘Freedom Fries Act’ and take credit.
Real question: Why would Trump want too?
From a national defense perspective, it’s good for the US to be able to make SOTA chips on US soil.
It won’t matter. All the uninformed people who are thrilled at their new tech plant jobs or how greatly it improves their local economy will take Trump for his word when he says “Oh yeah, I did that!” And the dumb fucks will all believe him.
Too bad he couldn’t have picked someone to actually be in charge of the DOJ.
Trump will take credit.
“I saved American chip production. Me. Bigly”
Anti scorched earth policy
Love me some tsmc and love me some Trump!
Trump will take credit for this- bringing jobs to America so we don’t have to depend on Ghina
Piece of shit will probably take credit for it.
100% if he can’t dismantle it, Trump will just take credit for it.