Eine Analyse von 21 Studien mit 1.455 Teilnehmern ergab, dass Sportler ein besseres Arbeitsgedächtnis hatten als Nicht-Sportler, wobei dieser Vorteil im Vergleich zu Personen mit sitzender Tätigkeit sogar noch ausgeprägter war



  1. giuliomagnifico on

    >The working memory advantage for athletes over non-athletes was found across different types of sports and performance levels. Interestingly, this advantage was more pronounced when athletes were contrasted with a sedentary population, compared to the analysis where the sedentary population was excluded from the non-athlete reference group. Doctoral researcher Chenxiao Wu states that most of the studies included in this meta-analysis were well-conducted, with a low risk of bias, and no signs of publication bias.

    >The current results in athletes add to the evidence supporting the benefits of sports on human cognition and highlight the importance of physical activity in promoting brain health

    Paper: [Full article: Comparison of working memory performance in athletes and non-athletes: a meta-analysis of behavioural studies](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09658211.2024.2423812)

  2. parkway_parkway on

    “The current results in athletes add to the evidence supporting the benefits of sports on human cognition and highlight the importance of physical activity in promoting brain health.”

    I mean surely the other explanation is that healthier people do more sport?

    I mean what the “sendetary” group is full of people with amazing physical and mental health who always make great lifestyle choices are food and drugs, right guys, right???

  3. such meta-analysis doesn’t really add much because of publication bias.

  4. Makes sense, anecdotal, when I used to do HIIT my mental health was so much better.  I was happier and more quick witted  (and I could eat/drink whatever I wanted, I was always hungry)

    But time takes its toll and I eventually injured my back and had to stop.  I have a physical job now but nowhere near the same intensity and the difference mentally is staggering.

    I am far more depressed now,  have trouble remembering things that I should.  I have to watch what I eat and that’s only when I actually have an appetite.

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