Das weltweite 1,5-Grad-Klimaziel ist toter als ein Türnagel, sagen Experten: „Das Ziel, eine Überschreitung von 1,5 Grad Celsius zu vermeiden, ist toter als ein Türnagel. Es ist zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt fast unmöglich, es zu vermeiden, weil wir einfach zu lange mit dem Handeln gewartet haben. Wir rasen immer schneller über die 1,5°C-Marke hinaus.“



  1. -AMARYANA- on

    SS: I am 34 and live in Kauai right now. I see no reason to leave at this point. Where would I go and why? I was 16 in 2006 when I first learned about climate change and biodiversity loss. We have been talking a lot about changing but have mostly stayed the same and in some ways become even more conspicuous with our consumption. I am an optimist but also a realist, current trends seem to be too little, too late. I’m not sure what we can do at this point to get all 8 billion of us to agree and cooperate on an issue that affects ALL LIFE.

  2. liveprgrmclimb on

    Lol get ready for 3-4.5C. We are screwed. We will act too little too late.

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