Papst Franziskus ruft die Welt dazu auf, Waffen zum Schweigen zu bringen und Spaltungen zu überwinden
IDF-Soldat auf offiziellen Antrag einer Menschenrechtsgruppe in Zypern festgenommen Von Karman4o
zaccyp on 18.11.2024 2:20 PM Nai, kalan malaka lmao for sure they were going to keep him. For sure the Cypriot government would go against Israel lmao
peudroca on 18.11.2024 3:17 PM I’m from South America and these guys destroy everything in their path. One of them was arrested for racism against a worker at a famous hotspot here.
Nai, kalan malaka lmao for sure they were going to keep him. For sure the Cypriot government would go against Israel lmao
σιγά μεν τον εκρατούσαν
I’m from South America and these guys destroy everything in their path. One of them was arrested for racism against a worker at a famous hotspot here.
Imagine being proud of being a war criminal…