Was war bei der Wahl zum Europäischen Parlament 2024 das Hauptthema, das die Wähler zum Wählen ermutigte?


Von corbynista2029


  1. CaptDeathCap on

    For the record: the Netherlands is Green because we agree the government is going way too goddamned far with the whole “save the planet!” BS.

  2. Alright, sure, but I think our main topic was foreign policy. It was literally either a pro-EU, democratic future or letting a Russia’s ass loving party once again. And yeah, Smer was trying to milk everything out of Fico’s shooting, yet they were unsuccessful.

  3. remyscherer on

    Nice framing. Germany voted before the war so economics/inflation was no problem at that point.

  4. Sprites4Ever on

    So much for the AfD claiming they get votes because people want Germany to stop Ukraine from causing WWIII or whatever.

    Right-wing populists brand themselves with many reprehensible positions on sociopolitics and geopolitics, but in reality, people vote for them due to their stances on domestic issues like migration and economics.

  5. A country with relatively little colonial history, quite far away from places that migrants move from, making migration it’s number one issue is sure a kind of an achievement.

  6. Pizzagoessplat on

    I’m not surprised with Germany after Merkles open door policy

  7. Spekpannenkoek on

    With right wing parties winning the Dutch elections all the time I cast a big X on doubt for this one.

  8. Szary_Tygrys on

    It doesn’t ring true that migration was the prime subject exclusively in Germany.

  9. Luxembourg concerned about political situation while (being surrounded by allies) being the size of Rhode Island and population of 650 K- i fcking love how delusional we are – it was my concern tbh.

  10. Philip_Raven on

    since 2012 to 2018 the price of groceries and housing doubled. from 2018 to 2024, price of groceries and housing doubled AGAIN. On the other hand wages grew for about 20%

  11. Wonderful-Basis-1370 on

    Huh, the Baltic states remember the price of peace, while the rest of Europe has a short memory

  12. JustPassingBy696969 on

    Wtf, what makes the 4 countries bordering russia think that?!

  13. AddictedToRugs on

    “What motivated you to vote?”

    “Oh, you know…the situation.”

  14. AddictedToRugs on

    Isn’t the rising prices and cost of living part of the economic situation?

  15. As a German I am ashamed of this. It’s a horrible testament to the right wing morons they shifted political discussions to such a stupid topic instead of something actually concerning.

  16. Moosplauze on

    Not correct for Germany!

    According to the Frierich Ebert Stiftung ([https://www.fes.de/europawahl](https://www.fes.de/europawahl)) migration has only been the third most important motivation to cast the votes for Germans ([Infographic](https://www.fes.de/index.php?eID=dumpFile&t=p&p=974263&token=e76efc1f692411a2c6d0eeb29c7ab5ed30349821)). #1 motivation was securing peace and #2 was social/economic security.

    I suspect bad intentions when creating a map like this without naming a source – especially when a credible source is found to contradict the claims of the map.

  17. BundsdeutscheRepublk on

    Didn’t the Netherlands vote for a right-conversative party which is against climate protection?

  18. RedLemonSlice on

    I live in Bulgaria, but appears that my concerns live somewhere north of Poland

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