Raumfahrt sollte nicht nur „für die Eliten“ sein, sagt der neue britische Astronaut | Europäische Weltraumorganisation



  1. drillpress42 on

    Yeah, okay. So, every once in a while we can expect a homeless person to get a short trip to space? Sorry darlin’, but it will be for the elite.

  2. What the fuck does that even mean? Not only is going to space fantastically dangerous, requiring extensive training and preparation (and to be in good health, for that matter), but it’s also something only a *tiny handful* of people are going to be doing, any time soon.

  3. a0lmasterfender on

    Happy if normal people who want to are allowed, i never ever want to go to space though.

  4. hellno_ahole on

    The last thing we need is space tourist junking up the rest of the universe like we do on planet. Fuck. Can’t we fix shit here on this planet first? Jesus Christ.

  5. spider0804 on

    The first step to making space more accessible is making your rocket reusable.

    The only entities doing this with gusto right now are SpaceX and China trying to copy them.

  6. RecipeSpecialist2745 on

    You want wealthy people to pay for someone they don’t know? Well, that against the it dogma.

  7. mrpoopistan on

    If they’re letting British people do it, then it’s not very elitist.

  8. Nah fam I’m alright with it only being for elites. I don’t need to potentially die doing stupid and pointless shit.

  9. klmdwnitsnotreal on

    I have absolutely no desire to go into space, none.

    Make Earth Great Again


  10. Actual-Money7868 on

    Man fuck this sub, just full of people who know nothing about tech but do nothing but constantly spout off.

    I’m done.

  11. In an age where we are struggling to reduce the CO2 pollution from ordinary air-travel, yeah, let’s send people to space.

  12. peterosity on

    for now, space traveling has exactly 2 categories of purposes:

    1. scientific research, requires qualified experts

    2. vanity program for fundraising, enjoyed by rich fuckers

    which of the two do us common folks fit?? neither. we couldn’t possibly contribute to scientific research in any meaningful way, and most of us we struggle to even pay our mortgages, tf are we gonna fly out of the planet for, unless it’s to get out of debt?

  13. 1Plz-Easy-Way-Star on

    He means for Future British in outer spaces, opening job market and new opportunities

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