TSMC klagte in seinen Einrichtungen in Arizona wegen Rassen- und Staatsbürgerschaftsdiskriminierung



  1. rotoddlescorr on

    > The suit also claims that a desire for Mandarin or Chinese language skills have been listed even if they wouldn’t be required for the position and that the use of Mandarin is used to exclude employees that don’t speak the language and limit their career advancement.

    This is really common when American companies open up shop in other countries. They require all the executives speak English and regular employees who can’t speak English have limited career advancement.

  2. Sushi-And-The-Beast on

    All commercial airplane pilots are required to know English.

    Let that sink in.

  3. Sushi-And-The-Beast on

    Shouldnt this company be TAA compliant?

    Especially if it received federal funds.

    We know what happened with FoxConn after getting those juicy tax breaks.

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