Der magnetische Norden driftet jetzt schneller als 30 Meilen pro Jahr. Es hatte sich vom geologischen Norden entfernt und wollte nun in die entgegengesetzte Richtung daran vorbeiziehen

    Von TheHarcker


    1. Funkopedia on

      So they are closer together now than ever before in modern times??

    2. Connect_Progress7862 on

      Pigeons are like “WTF is going on, I swear this used to be the right way”

    3. salvattore- on

      can anyone explain me what is the Magnetic North like if im a 5 year old kid?

    4. soulofariver on

      It has always wandered, sometimes the inclination as low as 70 degrees south of the pole. I wouldn’t fret it too much maybe if it flips (negative polarity) but the last time that happened was ~500 ka ago. Though we don’t have any evidence that anything really dramatic happens.

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