Der „Pate“ der KI sagt, dass das neue Modell von OpenAI möglicherweise täuschen kann und „viel strengere Sicherheitstests“ benötigt.


  1. GenesisCorrupted on

    Why bother regulating now? We’ve already been going unregulated the entire time; just fucking start up the sky net already.

  2. Nice try hyping an AI with ‘oh no, it may be so clever it can fool us!’. Really… These LLMs are some pretty clever cut and paste machines, but not much more than that. 

  3. insipidgoose on

    That’s the point. All these techbro millionaire shitheads want the source of truth to be an AI that they control.

    This is a feature not a bug.

  4. nobodyspecial767r on

    This is something we can’t even get our politicians to keep from doing to us, the solution to the AI problem should be interesting.

  5. If you have used any ai model you already know they lie constantly already.

  6. Takeoff_Hozerman on

    ‘Godfather’ of AI? Just typing that looks ridiculous.

    Why not use the phrase ‘expert’?

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