Studie bestätigt, dass Ägypter im Rahmen alter Rituale halluzinogene Cocktails tranken


  1. Blue lotus powder that sits in a bottle of wine for a bit creates a nice little drink.

  2. lesath_lestrange on

    >”There’s no research out there that has ever found what we found in this study,” Tanasi said. “For the first time, we were able to identify all the chemical signatures of the components of the liquid concoction contained in the Tampa Museum of Art’s Bes mug, including the plants used by Egyptians, all of which have psychotropic and medicinal properties.”

    Recognized psychotropic drugs today are things like SSRIs and anti-depressants.

    These are not hallucinogenic.

    Psychedelic drugs are drugs that cause changes in mood, perception, and cognition.

    These are the hallucinogens.

  3. LearnAndTeachIsland on

    We’ve been getting stoned for all of human history, until the religions became a big thing.

    Edit: yes I know plenty of mythology and spiritual entities had used and continue to use drugs. The major big religious groups are what the reference is to above. There will always be outliers kids. For more check out Michael Pollan’s How to Change Your Mind

  4. “The new tactic was successful and revealed the vase had a cocktail of psychedelic drugs, bodily fluids and alcohol—a combination that Tanasi believes was used in a magical ritual reenacting an Egyptian myth, likely for fertility.”

    Anthropologists in the future finding a my little pony jar, filled with semen… “must have been a horse god of fertility.”

  5. rtreesucks on

    Substance use is part of human culture, it’s crazy how the world persecutes drug users just for existing and wants to genocide drug users.

  6. According to the original study they also found evidence for relatively large amounts of breast milk, oral/vaginal fluids and blood in the mix.

    So essentially it was a bunch of random mildly psychoactive plants (not hallucinogenic ones), wine, honey, spit, breast milk & blood. I think I’d rather pass on that.

    The title of this thread and the article linked are a bit misleading I think. For one it was not hallucinogenic, and the whole bodily fluids thing seems like a pretty big weird thing to leave out.

  7. purplegladys2022 on

    Probably made for some really interesting conversations with their cats.

  8. AllUrUpsAreBelong2Us on

    Some say that people got into agriculture to get grains to make bread.

    Other say that people got into agriculture to get grains to make beer and bread was a side effect of using the spent grains.

  9. realparkingbrake on

    This was in the Ptolemaic era, quite late in ancient Egyptian history. But there is some evidence that earlier Egyptian society had access to drugs like opium and hashish though the literature of that time doesn’t provide much backup for the widespread use of such drugs.

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