Supermoon 15.11. – Testen des iPhone 13 bis an seine Grenzen


  1. instantlightning2 on

    Data Acquisition iPhone 13 ETX 125 30 second video

    Post processing PIPP to stabilize image Autostakkert to stack top 10% photos Registax for gaussian wavelets and brightness curves/histogram

    I know I absolutely can do better, but that wont be until I fix the tracking on my telescope. I took multiple 30 second videos, however since the eyepiece can cause distortion depending on how close the moon is to the edge of the eyepiece, stacking all of those videos together did not work. Once I get tracking fixed Ill be able to stack even longer videos

  2. Oldpuzzlehead on

    How did you take this pic with an iPhone 13? Every time I take a pic of the moon it is just a bright dot.

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