Krebsbiologen entdecken einen neuen Mechanismus für ein altes Medikament: „Studie zeigt, dass das Medikament 5-Fluorouracil bei verschiedenen Krebsarten unterschiedlich wirkt – eine Erkenntnis, die Forschern dabei helfen könnte, bessere Medikamentenkombinationen zu entwickeln.“ »
« The findings also suggest a possible explanation for why combining 5-FU with a DNA-damaging drug often makes both drugs less effective. Some DNA damaging drugs send a signal to the cell to stop making new ribosomes, which would negate 5-FU’s effect on RNA. A better approach may be to give each drug a few days apart, which would give patients the potential benefits of each drug, without having them cancel each other out. »
Reference: Chen, Jung-Kuei et al., An RNA damage response network mediates the lethality of 5-FU in colorectal cancer, Cell Reports Medicine, Volume 5, Issue 10, 101778.