Nach Angaben des Militärs melden sich aufgrund des Rekrutierungskampfs immer mehr Kanadier für eine Zweitkarriere an


  1. Dunno why anyone in their right mind would join with the current states of our world and our military

  2. RepresentativeCare42 on

    It is a good idea. The military is really working hard to improve conditions.

  3. Phonereditthrow on

    What a sham. How many storys of young men strung along for years by recruiters. People line up to join and they treat them like dirt and scorn them. 

  4. Dependent_Run_1752 on

    Maybe the gov. can limit LMIAs for these positions instead of Tim Horton’s supervisor?

  5. splinnaker on

    This “article” is not news it’s a PR campaign for recruitment.

  6. cheesebrah on

    To be honest if they start recruiting more older people into the military they will have to change since alot of older people dont take the same bs as younger people and will bring real like experience. Its harder to get away with treating a 30 year old like crap vs a 18 year old. It will change culture by not having as many 18 to 25 year olds. Only problem for some trades are that some combat trades need younger people and older people will not really be able to keep up for long.

    Other issue is sometimes older people with kids are less deployble because kids.

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