Hallo. Ich möchte eine Postkarte aus Belgien nach Japan schicken, also bin ich gestern in einen Briefmarkenladen in Brüssel gegangen und habe ein paar Briefmarken gekauft. Ich habe keine Ahnung, wie hoch der Wert auf den Briefmarken ist, da es für mich das erste Mal ist, dass ich sie verwende. Der Besitzer des Briefmarkenladens sagte mir, solange der Gesamtwert der Briefmarken auf meiner Postkarte größer als 3 sei, sei die internationale Post in Ordnung. Auf der Bpost-Website heißt es jedoch, dass beim Versenden von Briefen ohne Belgien Europa- oder Weltmarken verwendet werden. Es ist etwas verwirrend. Wie hoch ist der genaue Wechselkurs für verschiedene Arten von Briefmarken?


    Von WEIJIAN_03

    1 Comment

    1. Hello,

      There are 3 (modern) categories of stamp:

      * Belgium, for domestic letters
      * For Belgium you have PRIOR stamps (when explicitely stated)
      * and Non PRIOR stamps (when nothing stated on the stamp)
      * Europe, for letters to European continent
      * World, for the rest of the world

      Then the digit in the circle on the stamp represents the value of the stamp (Belgium 1 = 1 Belgian stamp, Europe 3 = 3 Europe stamps…)

      So what you have here are 6 stamps classified as Belgium non-Prior with a value of 1. Each such stamp is worth 1.46€ if used before 2024-12-31.

      You want to send a postcard so it will depend on the size of the postcard ([Send letter: how many stamps and what value?](https://www.bpost.be/en/send-letter/how-many-stamps)):

      * If the postcard is **not squared**, has **less than 5mm in thickness**, is of minimum dimensions 90 x 140 mm and maximum dimensions 125 x 235 mm, and weights less than 50g => Value is World 1
      * If the postcard is squared, or thicker than 5mm (and less than 30mm), or does not respect above dimensions (but it less than 350x230mm), and weights less than 100g => Value is World 3

      Until 2024-12-31, a World 1 stamp costs 2.88 €; a World 3 stamp costs 3 x 2.88 € = 8.64 €.

      If you want to use Belgian non-PRIOR stamps to substitute a World stamp, you need to put enough Belgium non-PRIOR stamps so their face value is greater than that of the World stamps that should be used.

      On this example to send one postcard to Japan with Belgium stamps instead of World stamps you’d need to put:

      * 2 x Belgium 1 non-PRIOR stamp (2.92 €) to replace a World 1 stamp
      * or 6 x Belgium 1 stamp non-PRIOR (8.94 €) to replace a World 3 stamp. And then I hope you don’t want to write something on the card or that you are better than intel and can engrave (your message) in less than 3 nanometer.

      If you need to send this type of things frequently, order your stamps through [BPost eShop](https://eshop.bpost.be/fr/timbres?sort_by=field_product_weight_value&sort_order=DESC&page=0): you get them delivered the next day in your inbox, and you get to choose against all collectible stamps still available on the market.

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