Humanoider Roboter könnte 2028 auf Chinas Mondmission Chang’e 8 fliegen – Eine neue Folie über die geplante Mission 2028 zeigt ein vierrädriges Mondschiff mit humanoider Form.


  1. From the article

    >A Chinese mission to test resource technologies at the moon’s south pole is taking shape — and may even include a humanoid form.

    >Wang Qiong, chief designer of the Chang’e 8 lunar mission, recently presented an update on the project in Beijing, according to a [post]( on Chinese social media. The mission is scheduled to [launch in 2028]( and will aim to land near [the moon](’s south pole. There it will conduct in-situ resource utilization technology tests — potentially using 3D-printing techniques to make a brick out of lunar regolith. It will also carry terrestrial ecosystem experiments.

    >The new post shows slides detailing the Chang’e 8 spacecraft that will conduct the mission. The four-legged lander, derived from China’s previous successful [Chang’e lunar landings](, will carry an array of science equipment, including cameras, telescopes and a seismometer. It will also feature a crane that will deploy payloads and spacecraft on the lunar surface. 

  2. Happy-Fun-Ball on

    China making such progress; meanwhile America is about to collapse into religio-fascism, or civil war.

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