Der prominente Covid-Kritiker und Co-Autor der Great Barrington Declaration Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, einst zensiert und verleumdet, ist jetzt Spitzenkandidat für die Leitung des NIH

Von animaltrainer3020


  1. animaltrainer3020 on

    SS: Dr. Jay Bhattacharya to likely lead the NIH. Bhattacharya was co-author of the Great Barrington Declaration, and due to his outspoken questioning of the covid narrative, he was investigated by his university, shadowbanned and censored on social media, and called a conspiracy theorist.

    So what’s the conspiracy? Covid was an open conspiracy, and now a doctor who helped expose that conspiracy just might be put in charge of medical and public health research in America.

  2. FellFromCoconutTree on

    How tf is he censored? I can read an insane amount by him and written by him

  3. Things must appear to be changing for the better if this ruse will work.

  4. Excellent news. The way in which they’ve treated prominent and previously well respected scientists and physicians who dared to challenge the ‘official narrative’ and weren’t on the big pharma payroll is an absolute disgrace. The whole thing is one of the most sickening events to have ever occurred in human history. An out-and-out crime against humanity. Finally, we may start getting some truth. Get Mike Yeadon and Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi in there, whilst they’re at it.

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