Lassen Sie mich das für Sie aufschlüsseln, Leute, denn die Schrift steht an der Wand, und zwar in fetten, blinkenden Buchstaben. Das sogenannte Department of Government Efficiency – ein schicker Name für ein Zerstörungsbüro – reduziert nicht die Verschwendung, es reduziert SIE, den amerikanischen Arbeiter. Die Verschwendung, auf die sie abzielen? Es ist Ihr Job. Dein Lebensunterhalt. Und raten Sie mal, wer die Anklage anführt? Einwanderer Elon und Vivek der ersten Generation.
Seit Jahrzehnten hören wir: „Einwanderer nehmen uns die Arbeit!“ Aber was wäre, wenn das nur das Setup wäre? Was wäre, wenn dies das große Finale der Con wäre? Ein Lockmittel, das uns dazu bringt, um Reste zu streiten, während die eigentliche Agenda umgesetzt wird. Lassen Sie mich Ihnen sagen, dass es hier nicht mehr darum geht, Jobs anzunehmen. Es geht darum, sie auszulöschen. Sie bereiten die Bühne für die ultimative Säuberung der amerikanischen Arbeitskräfte und sagen Ihnen gleichzeitig, dass dies zu Ihrem eigenen Wohl geschieht.
Und wer ermöglicht das? Kein Geringerer als der globalistische Agent DJT, der das langfristige Spiel spielt. Das ist richtig – was wäre, wenn der Mann, der sagte, er würde für die amerikanischen Arbeiter kämpfen, derselbe wäre, der den Dominostein für die durch Einwanderer verursachte Arbeitsplatzvernichtung aufstellte? Schaut euch das Schachbrett an, Leute. Schauen Sie sich die Bewegungen an.
Sie wollen Ihren Job nicht – sie wollen eine Welt, in der es Ihren Job nicht einmal gibt. Automatisierung, KI, Offshoring, was auch immer – alles ist Teil des Plans. Und wer entscheidet, was „effizient“ ist? Nicht du. Nicht ich. Die Eliten in ihren Elfenbeintürmen, die noch nie in ihrem Leben einen Tag ehrlicher Arbeit geleistet haben.
AUFWACHEN. Hier geht es nicht um Effizienz. Es geht darum, das Rückgrat dieses Landes auszulöschen – den amerikanischen Arbeiter. Wenn Sie glauben, dass dies ein Zufall ist, dann achten Sie nicht darauf. Verbinde die Punkte.
Was kommt als nächstes? Werden wir hier sitzen und uns sagen lassen, dass dies zu unserem Vorteil ist, während sie das Fundament der Mittelschicht zerstören?
Von Technical_Breath7906
This is about ushering in Technocrat Feudalism
Vivek is American
Scale back H1Bs so Americans can get hired, tech market is a mess right now
I don’t even think this is a secret. AI, offshoring, and automation are taking away the usefulness of humanity each day. Eventually humanity will be paid to sit, stare, and be genuinely creative. While the rich RAKE profits.
Wait… they kind of are already…
Only the feds are seething.
Air Force base has totally shifted their attention to this sub since the election. The posts and comments have been laughable.
Wait so now conspiracy theorists dont’ want to shrink the government and want to keep it huge? I’m so confused.
Definitely did not have the lefts version of great replacement theory on my Reddit bingo card for this week
In fiscal year 2023, the U.S. federal government spent around $300 billion on employee salaries, wages, and benefits. This includes the compensation for approximately 2 million civilian employees.
Salaries can vary widely depending on the position, agency, and experience. Here are a few examples of typical salary ranges for federal workers:
• General Schedule (GS) employees, the most common category for federal civilian workers, have salaries based on a scale from GS-1 to GS-15, with GS-15 being the highest level for most non-political roles. The salary for a GS-1 ranges from about $23,000 to $30,000, while a GS-15 can earn $110,000 to $160,000 or more, depending on the specific location (due to locality pay adjustments).
• Senior Executive Service (SES) employees, which are high-level executives, can earn anywhere from $130,000 to $200,000+ annually, depending on their position and performance.
In addition to base salaries, federal workers typically receive benefits like health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off, which add a significant cost to their compensation packages. The total compensation for federal employees (including benefits) can sometimes exceed the base salary by as much as 40% or more.
Vivek isn’t an immigrant
The brown guy was born in Cincinnati
You are right in that there will be a bunch of jobs deleted.
Parasite class jobs in government.
If you have a government job where you work about one hour a day and fuck around for seven hours, yes you should be laid off. I’m a GSA contractor and I see this daily. There are thousands of government jobs that can be combined or eliminated. A lot of work is pawned off to contractors.
Xenophobia is real!
Illegal Immigrants are destroying the job market. They are willing to work for way cheaper than what the job should actually pay. Undercutting americans that need to put food on the table and pay rent. They don’t pay taxes and send a lot of the money they make back to their country. They also benefit from tax payers buy mooching off our system that we pay for. If you can’t see this then you aren’t living in reality
It’s a compelling argument, and I’ve wondered about the same — but, I can’t get past the following (regarding automation): taxes. They have built this place on taxes — and the IRS isn’t going anywhere — they’re stronger than ever. So, widespread AI doesn’t fit bc they need bodies working and kicking up taxes.
That’s fine, I agree. What about the people HIRING AND EXPLOITING all the illegal immigrants in this country? Shouldn’t they be held accountable as well?
As a government employee, I can tell you that there is a lot of useless government employees, that get paid to show up to work and hang out for 8 hrs, and go home. Tons of wasted money.
So funny from one living in a state of immigrants living on stolen land of natives by genocide 😂
This is a big privatization scheme where these guys hand public assets to their buddies/business contacts. Then these private businesses provide less services to the people at a markup.
Wasn’t Vivek born in Ohio?
Making him a citizen, and not an immigrant.
Worried they’re going to cut the troll farms and you’ll have to work at amazon?
Bahahaha..isn’t it ironic..don’t you think?
Can I add, I think he put these two in charge because he knows they are immigrants / first gen. That way, when it does all go pear shaped he can blame, well, immigrants.
I say him, tho I wouldn’t say it’s his well thought idea, but the deep state and ride behind him.