Meine Heimatstadt ist Remsen, Iowa, USA. Es ist als Klein-Luxemburg bekannt. Ich habe kürzlich diese Postkarte gekauft, die ins Mutterland zurückgeschickt wurde. Könnte jemand bitte ins Englische übersetzen? Danke

Von AL-brick-builder


  1. It’s written in old (pre-WW2) german handwriting, I couldn’t decipher but a few words.

    I found this online tool which can read old german handwriting:


    The text with some of the words missing would translate to “Dear family. I haven’t heard from you in a long time. I think (hope?) you are all still healthy. (two unreadable words) .Greetings (unreadable) Jean Pierre Frisch”

  2. MysteriaDeVenn on

    This is a cool find. I love how even then we were mixing languages:the main text is in German (as far as I can figure out, which is not much) with German letters, while the adress, greeting and name are in French with French letters.  

      Btw the adress say Madam Widow Frisch, Kasel Bissen Mersch. 

  3. I’m not an expert, but here’s an attempt at transcribing it.

    “eher famille,
    Ich habe schon lange nicht nach wonnuch gehört ___ ich dank ihr seid alle gesund wie ich auch. Grüßt Lesther(?)
    Jean Pierre Frisch”

    “Dear family, I haven’t heard from you lately as I wished, (but) I pray you are all still healthy as am I. Give my best to Lesther”

    I know modern Luxembourgish uses “Wonsch” for the German “Wunsch” so I’m guessing “wonnuch” is an antiquated spelling. Also not sure if Lesther was a common name at the time but that’s how I read it.

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