Ehemaliger Student tötet bei zweitem Massenanschlag innerhalb einer Woche in China acht Menschen


  1. There’s a vehicle massacre in China going on right now every week and it’s gone underreported but people’s recordings don’t lie.

    Videos show dozens dead and CCP makes sure to claim few injured.

  2. no1ofimport on

    If they want to compete with America they’re going to have to get those numbers up.

  3. Strange-Implication on

    Waiting for the bots to tell us to “stop giving China a bad reputation”

  4. Chinese government needs to implant all citizens with remote ” kill switches”, along with AI cameras that have the necessary permissions to activate these switches as soon as an attack is detected.

  5. You would think the censorship would at least help deal with copycats inspred by one massacre to commit their own, but it seems it only is good enough to clamp down on discussions about what to do about these events.

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