Prozentsatz der Menschen, die glauben, dass ihr Land von der EU-Mitgliedschaft profitiert hat (2024)

Von Calibruh


  1. But I’ve also heard a lot of talk about how the EU’s regulations are causing the economy to decline.

  2. Original-Hyena6984 on

    Outside of like 8 member states who are net contributors, the other countries heavily benefit from EU membership. Especially countries like Greece and Poland.

  3. I think the ONLY thing I’ve ever seen anyone criticize about the EU here in Portugal was the adoption of the Euro, because it didn’t have as much *local* purchasing power as our old currency (this is just what I heard since I wasn’t even alive back then)

  4. FullMetalAurochs on

    Why is Ireland so much more positive about it than the UK was? (Or why didn’t the UK see the benefits that Ireland can see.)

  5. NoLime7384 on

    Those are surprising numbers. Do people not take into account the benefit of no more intra european wars? 0

  6. So, apparently it were only Brits who did not benefit. Good riddance

  7. In Romania most of the old population hates the EU. They argument: *In the past, everyone stole and it was good. You could build your house from what you stole from the factory. Now these Europeans have come and are stealing our forests and lands and forcing us to become homosexuals.*

    Unfortunately, even the young population who grew up with grandparents because their parents mostly worked abroad have caught on to communist ideas and instead of looking at facts and statistics, they let their emotions manipulate them.

    I hope that 70% of the population is pro-EU. I wish there were more pro-EU citizens, but I’m afraid there are actually fewer of them.🙁

  8. cohibababy on

    What is not to like about visionairies such as Guy Verhofstadt making the rules?

  9. Veutifuljoe_0 on

    You’d think the percentage would be higher given the state of the UK post Brexit

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