Russland will Kursk vor den Verhandlungen zurück. Die Ukraine rührt sich nicht.


  1. They already lost half of the territory they took and a new offensive is in the works. Either this propaganda shit is starting to grind my gears or i have a very different definition of “not budging”

  2. The question of deciding weather to leave Kursk is moot, because there’s no sign negotiations are going to start and Ukraine might soon not get to make that decision.

  3. nuvo_reddit on

    I am all for Ukraine to regain lost territory from Russia. But the information available is mostly contradictory. Russia may suffer heavier losses as compared to Ukraine but that doesn’t mean the situation is getting better for Ukraine. Rather it is worsening for Ukraine and that is disappointing.

    Ukraine is not budging hardly reflects the scene.

  4. FrankScaramucci on

    What is the chance of Ukraine being able to get back at least some of the territory?

    To me the most likely outcome is that Russia keeps what they currently illegally occupy and Ukraine gets security guarantees that will make future Russian aggression prohibitively costly.

    Sanctions mostly stay in place because Russia will not give up territory in exchange for sanction relief.

    It would be a very unfair deal obviously.

  5. Nah! No deal. It’s a daily reminder that grandpa Putin can’t protect the homeland.

  6. Mental-At-ThirtyFive on

    How are the supply lines to the UA army in Kursk? The nightmare scenario is to be trapped there without supplies.

  7. DoctorSchwifty on

    Threatening NATO membership would move these negotiations along.

  8. Elegant-Way-5938 on

    I don’t think this conflict is going to be frozen. Putin won’t stop until the rump state remaining of Ukraine is coastline-less and governed by people Putin picks. Zelenskys government won’t leave without being violently toppled. 

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