Kanadische Staatsbürgerin sorgt für Empörung mit der Behauptung, dass indische Frauen für kostenlose Geburten und Staatsbürgerschaft auf Kosten des Steuerzahlers nach Kanada fliegen



  1. user745786 on

    Unless this guy can actually provide evidence of his claims, we can dismiss this as typical racist garbage. This is no different than the bullshit on Twitter and Parler.

  2. FunDog2016 on

    Well if Chad says so, must be true ….. shall we revolt? I mean it’s news now … thanks Chad and Hindustan Times!

  3. Just so we are clear when this happens they aren’t covered under MSP which means they pay out of pocket. If it’s clear that they can’t pay while being pregnant they are refused entry for the country.

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