In Marokko enthaltene Länder planen, Sahel-Ländern Zugang zum Atlantik zu gewähren

Von HollyShitBrah


  1. HollyShitBrah on

    > “…The Royal proposal, within this framework, seeks to enable landlocked Sahel nations to use the Kingdom’s road and port infrastructure. In his advocacy for this plan, the King explicitly stated that Morocco is willing to place its road, port, and rail infrastructure at the disposal of its sister nations.”


  2. I don’t get it. The Sahel region is not close to Morocco. If most of those countries need access to sea, it would not be happening via Morocco.

  3. whistleridge on

    I know The Gambia is primarily one river valley, but it too is a Sahel country.

  4. brunoptcsa on

    To allow the Sahel countries to access Morocco they would have to cross Western Sahara south of it, a region that Morocco already occupies most of it without the official recognition of the African Union. So this whole plan is just a ploy to force Africa to give Morocco the land they want officially and allow them to end the independent resistance rule that defies Morocco in the border of Western Sahara and Mauritania

  5. UnderstandingSome542 on

    So they want most of them to basically cross the whole continent to ship shit through them? I can’t be the only one who sees the flaws with this plan, right?

  6. Imaginary-Traffic845 on

    This will absolutely work! These countries are the most stable in the world. Should be a piece of cake.

  7. Sorry but that’s a map of Sahel countries. It has nothing to do with the Moroccan plan which concerns AES countries and tangentially Chad. That’s not an imaginary map, you added zero value and zero imagination or context. Just why?

  8. Immediate-Occasion-9 on

    most of them didn’t had 5 consecutive years of stable state doubt the success of this project without talking about the state of western sahara

  9. FewExit7745 on

    Stupid question but why does Senegal and The Gambia need Morocco’s permission for the Atlantic?

  10. FullMetalAurochs on

    Sudan can get Atlantic access through the Suez Canal, would this really be that attractive for those on the Eastern side?

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