Ich habe ein Date mit jemandem aus meinem Heimatland, in dem er sich aufhält. Das würde einen Deutschen ins Koma schicken


Von yasr99


  1. leandroabaurre on

    Well damn… definitely not a problem here in the tropics!

    *just the unbearable constant heat and 100% RH*

  2. NapsInNaples on

    the importance of a good ~~stößluften~~ mechanical ventilation system in a well-insulated building.

  3. If that’s a habit, there’s probably mold growing somewhere behind the furniture. I’ve had a roommate who was too lazy to properly air our rooms and he caused mold in his room and (during a time when us other roommates were out of town) caused foods in the kitchen cabinet to rot. Even his door was crooked from the moisture.

  4. UngratefulSourGrape on

    Whats the “fix” for this ? Open a window ? For how long ?

  5. Izzyrion_the_wise on

    If you don’t do your Stoßlüften well, you get a Schimmelbefall which is a serious Gesundheitsrisiko!

  6. helloitsmethebear on

    If it looks so bad the insulation of the windows/building must be really really bad. Are you supposed to not go anywhere for vacation for exampke during the winter to avoid that?

    In this case i would recommend a good dehumidifier. Lived in a place like that for a while and had to run the dehumidifier 12 hrs a day and empty it 3 times a day as crazy as it sounds

  7. Stoßlüften doesn’t do anything. Humidity outside is 80% lol. I always have this issue in the bedroom and had it A LOT when my heating didn’t work. I have a fan on now to circulate the air and a big dehumidifier. Even if it runs almost 24/7, the room humidity still can barely stay at 50% …

  8. I live in Finland.

    This is why we got ventilation systems, and dehumidifiers. And what if the humidity outside is also high?…

    None is opening that damn window to let the -30C air in.

  9. intermediatetransit on

    Stoßlüften is honestly one of the dumbest and most irrational things I’ve run into in Germany, and that’s saying a lot.

  10. German landlords really expect you to open your windows at least an hour per day in winter time at freezing temperatures. Otherwise, it’s your fault that the walls are rotting.

    Kinda beats the purpose of having a home in winter, honestly.

  11. Several_Agent365 on

    This seems more like undichte Windows and severe humidity getting inside. Check the windows and try to find out if there’s any damage in the structure of the apartment.

    The last apartment I lived in, whole autumn and winter my windows looked like this. Turned out that 1. The windows sucked 2. The door was poorly installed and letting in the cold and humidity from the outside 3. The apartment was very poorly isolated 4. There were holes in the roof in one corner.

    The whole apartment exploded with mold.

  12. Do you dry your laundry inside? Try put it in a well ventilated basement. You’ll get black mould very easily with this much moisture inside

  13. AdeptLingonberry692 on

    Especially if you don’t want to sleep with mold everywhere.

  14. Derangedcity on

    It looks like their house insulation/ventilation system is just trash. That should never happen in a modern home. Stoßlüften is only if your home is 50+ years old

  15. wholesomeletters on

    wow. that is alot of water. did all this collect in 1 day?

    you should wipe that all down and keep your window open for 15-20 minutes (dont forget to turn off the heat. “wir heizen nicht für draußen”)

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