NASA-Satelliten zeigen einen abrupten Rückgang des globalen Süßwasserspiegels


  1. RegulatoryCapturedMe on

    If NASA is privatized, will anyone still report this stuff to the public?

  2. thot-abyss on

    > Warming temperatures increase both the evaporation of water from the surface to the atmosphere, and the water-holding capacity of the atmosphere, increasing the frequency and intensity of drought conditions.

    > Considering that the nine warmest years in the modern temperature record coincided with the abrupt freshwater decline, Rodell said, “We don’t think this is a coincidence, and it could be a harbinger of what’s to come.”

  3. DrunkenVerpine on

    This is alarming, but some context… Michigan has a roughly 17 year water cycle, and we’re just coming off the peak where water levels were a real problem. So at least here, which is a lot of fresh water, the lower levels are normal, expected, and desired.

  4. Malfeitor1 on

    With budget cuts at least we won’t have to hear the bad news anymore

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