Die einzigen Landkreise, die seit den US-Präsidentschaftswahlen 2000 für die siegreiche Partei gestimmt haben, sind Blaine, MT und Essec, NY.

Von ViolentNun


  1. DoeCommaJohn on

    Sounds like candidates could save a lot of time and money by just campaigning in Blaine, Montana

  2. More_Particular684 on

    Actually, both county are voting for the winning candidate since 1996.
    To be honest, Blaine has voted for the winning candidate since 1916 (four years after it was founded) expect in 1988 when it chose Dukakis instead of Bush.

  3. ThatYewTree on

    Amazing really that Ohio the state would join this club had only they voted for Biden in 2020.

  4. Pineapple_Gamer123 on

    If Blaine County, MT didn’t vote for Dukakis in 1988, then they would have had a bellwether streak going all the way back to 1916

  5. defiantcross on

    Why arent democrats flooding to Blaine and Essex en masse? Are they stupid? /s

  6. I don’t get “Bellwethers”. Like who gives a fuck who they go for? A couple went to Harris and she lost and Florida went for Trump in 2020. There’s 3,144 counties in America, it was inevitable that a handful would have a winning streak.

  7. Soggy_Context_2984 on

    “…that voted for *every winning *presidential candidate…” or am I reading this wrong?

  8. urnbabyurn on

    Harris wasted a billion dollars when she could have just spent the last three months and hundreds of millions on just those two counties.

  9. if states were won by counties, everywhere would be a battleground state

  10. scumbagstaceysEx on

    Essex County NY (bot Essec) is one of the smallest counties by population. Only 38K at the last census. It’s mostly state land (the Adirondack High Peaks Wilderness). The largest town and county seat is Elizabethtown and if you blink you’ll miss it. I’m sure the one in Montana is even smaller but I don’t know anything about it.

  11. Nervous_Cover7668 on

    i have been to Essex NY a lot, beautiful place to be with small cities with a lot of money like Lake Placid, however, there is still a lot of working class people there and there still is a lot of people who rely on gov assistance programs

  12. NotObviouslyARobot on

    This really highlights the utter pointlessness of County-Level political maps

  13. PronoiarPerson on

    When the news talks about “bell weather” states or countries, they’re really just talking about the statistically inevitable fact that with states and counties flip flopping between candidates. Nothing is special about these places, they just flipped heads 7 times in a row.

  14. idan_zamir on

    with the exception of 1988, Blaine county got every election right since 1964

  15. Academic-Bonus1649 on

    These counties are the real MVPs of political consistency.

  16. wonder if these counties’ demographic makeup reflect that of the whole country

  17. Free-Database-9917 on

    2028 we need to convince them to vote differently so one moves on

  18. twistedxmelon18 on

    Supposedly Clallam County in NW Washington has done this as well, I never verified myself but there was a story about it on the local news station

  19. geekboi005 on

    Door County, WI just broke their 6 election streak this year 🙁

  20. Fabulous-Stretch-605 on

    6 elections is hardly that many of the grand scheme of things. Had it been since 1900 it would actually mean something.

  21. Seems bizarre that the same counties could each choose both Obama and Trump twice

  22. Meanteenbirder on

    Clallam, WA and Door, WI used to be in that camp, though both somehow moved LEFT this year.

  23. This is interesting considering only one county is WA voted the same as the rest of the Country in 2020 that had also voted correctly in the last 4 elections

  24. Yuyu_hockey_show on

    You would think there would be more than 2 counties in the whole country who got these last 7 elections correct

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