Trump bricht zwei große Reden abrupt ab, um zu zeigen, wie schlecht es ihm geht


  1. Many_Aerie9457 on

    He needs to drop out now! There is something cognitively wrong with him and he’s deteriorating more with each day. He can’t do anything in public without exposing his condition.

  2. Scoutmaster-Jedi on

    Too many pop up ads that repeatedly blocked the article and shifted the page. I gave up trying to read the article.

  3. hotasianwfelover on

    The golf course is calling……no, no I mean the unkempt spot beside Ivanna.

  4. Fresh-Run2343 on

    The less we have to hear him whine and ramble on in one of his lunatic professional victim speeches the better.

  5. LankyGuitar6528 on

    I think in addition to normal aging there has to be some Alzheimer’s. It runs in his family. But don’t forget PTSD. He was shot at even if the bullet went nowhere near him (that blood was from banging his head on something). But still, he WAS shot at. Anything like that shakes you to the core. I made a really bad landing after some instrument failures and some rookie errors in a little Cesna. I figured I was fine. Nope. Fucked me up bigly a month or so later. It doesn’t hit you for at least a few weeks.

  6. BadSignificant8458 on

    In the movie, A Few Good Men, the character played by Tom Cruise, tells the bully defendant, “ You can’t handle the truth!” If there ever was a quote that fits Trump like his loose orange tinted wrinkly skin 100% it’s that.

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