Selenskyj: Wir brauchen die NATO oder Atomwaffen … und wir wollen die NATO. Die Ukraine habe unter ihrer Entscheidung zur Denuklearisierung im Jahr 1994 besonders gelitten, sagte der Präsident des Landes.


  1. persimmon40 on

    No sane country will allow Ukraine to have nukes. NATO membership, while absolutely currently improbable, is more likely than nukes in Ukraine.

  2. Plane-Border3425 on

    I think this is a powerful argument. He is saying explicitly that of those two options, Ukraine *wants* NATO. He is being reasonable; he is being sane. He is being clear and he is being realistic. And he is saying this in public.

  3. Other countries will observe the Ukraine war and take lessons from it. Ukraine voluntarily gave up its nukes in exchange for security guarantees from Russia and the West. Those security guarantees were worthless.

  4. Troll brigade didn’t receive orders yet so pro Ru don’t know what to say to this.

  5. Ok_Simple6936 on

    The USA should drop a few tactical nukes on Russia ,what could go wrong .Back to reality i think the world worried that if Putin starts to believe he lost the war he will do something stupid .So no chance USA giving Ukraine nukes as Russia will feel justified in using there’s

  6. secondsniglet on

    Ukraine only has three options: 1) surrender sovereignty to Russia like Belorussia 2) get a security guarantee with the US like South Korea or NATO membership or 3) build their own nukes.

    Without either the security umbrella of US nukes or their own nukes Ukraine will become a vassal state of the Russian empire.

  7. If Ukraine gets nukes that will be the end of Ukraine.
    Russia would nuke them before they could even be launched.

    Let’s just say Ukraine launches a nuke. Russia will launch a whole lot more and obliterate Ukraine.

    Let’s be realistic. We don’t want Ukraine to have nukes.

  8. newswall-org on

    More on this subject from other reputable sources:

    – (C): [Selenskyj presents “victory plan”](
    – Moscow Times (B+): [Kremlin Says Hasn’t Seen Zelensky’s ‘Victory Plan,’ Urges Kyiv to ‘Sober Up’
    – (A): [Selensky presents “victory plan” and demands invitation to NATO](
    – Washington Post (B): [Trump says Ukraine’s Zelensky should ‘never have let that war start’](

    [__Extended Summary__]( | [FAQ & Grades]( | I’m a bot

  9. Hayes4prez on

    > US Department of State Dispatch, January, 1994
    The [US-Russia-Ukraine Trilateral Statement]( and Annex were signed on 14 January, 1994 in Moscow by Presidents Clinton, Yeltsin and Kravchuk. The Statement and Annex:

    >-provided for the transfer of all nuclear weapons on the territory of Ukraine to Russia for dismantlement;
    specified prompt compensation by Russia to Ukraine for the highly-enriched uranium in the transferred weapons;

    >-provided for security assurances by the US, Russia and United Kingdom to Ukraine on Ukraine’s accession to the Non-Proliferation Treaty as a non-nuclear weapon state; and

    >-reaffirmed the US commitment to assist the safe and secure dismantlement of nuclear forces through the Cooperative Threat Reduction (Nunn-Lugar) program.

    The United States promised to defend Ukraine if they gave up their nuclear weapons. If the US can not keep it’s promises, then Ukraine must become a nuclear power to guarantee sovereignty.

  10. Just get nuke. You cannot rely on anyone else when it comes to survival of the nation.

  11. time_travel_rabbit on

    I dont see how saying this would help Ukraine. NATO shouldn’t let it self be blacked mailed or forced to accept a member especially one that is currently at war, Ukraine building the bomb just creates certain sectors of Ukraine as targets for attack and finally Ukraine obtaining a nuclear bomb and using it would strip away any nuclear protection.

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