Kennt jemand diesen Ort? Mein Großvater hat in den 60er oder 70er Jahren in Deutschland gearbeitet und ich habe dieses alte Bild. Es sieht so aus, als könnte es überall sein und ist nichts Besonderes oder so, aber ich dachte trotzdem, dass vielleicht jemand hier wissen könnte, wo es ist. Danke schön!
Von levivodica
looks like a cement factory and judging by the car it is more likely to have been in west-germany.
Any info written on the back of the photo?
this sounds more like a job for geoguessr guys like rainbolt and less for some german guys (and gals). i cant even tell if this is a saw mill or some other industrial building… might even be a train station. i would honestly recommend asking some geoguessr and he will tell you that this tree only exists in the southern part of a certain village or sth.
That looks like a construction site for a highway or railway bridge to me, but I may be completely wrong. Take a look at [this photo on another website]( to see what I mean.
Can it be this? It’s a brewery (well not any longer) but the tower was built in the 70s.
Could be a cement factory which was built in Wetzlar but they demolished it for an IKEA store.
At least there’s one picture which looks very similar to the construction site.