League of Legends erhält einen 250-Dollar-Arcane-Skin, und er kommt nicht gut an | „Eine sehr uncoole Sache, fast unmittelbar nachdem man eine Menge Leute gefeuert hat“, heißt es in einem Kommentar zu dem Beitrag, in dem der Skin angekündigt wird.



  1. Why am I reading post title about some random comment on another post.

  2. Deranged40 on

    I mean… Both actions indicate that they need more money.

    Both actions are shitty, too. $250 skins are uncool even when they didn’t fire a bunch of people.

    Is the news that this game has shitty practices? Because that’s not new…

  3. Aggravating_Dress626 on

    Except sales (and not comments) of said skin will determine if it is “not going down well”.

  4. ThisCupIsPurple on

    Technically it’s an *up to* $250 skin.

    It’s a $5 lootbox, and if you spend $250 (80 spins) on it then they just give the best item to you.

    Not sure how devs are still getting away with gambling in 2024.

  5. Planningism on

    I’m confused, is someone forcing people to buy skins?

    Or is this just children complaining because they can’t dress up their dolls.

  6. Humans_Suck- on

    Americans could just make bullshit like that illegal if they stopped voting for the center and the right.

  7. Moneyshot_ITF on

    Ppl getting mad over the price of cosmetics is their own problem. It’s a fucking cosmetic, resist the urge of needing to have every single skin.

  8. I’ve been saying it for years: people have no fucking clue how far the rabbit hole goes. Mark my words in 10 years we’ll have ultra premium skins going to 1k or more. Limited run. Limited ownership.

    As people spend more and more time in digital spaces those spaces become the defacto places to express wealth. People buy ultra luxury items for 100s of thousands of dollars. Gaming is no different. Instead of seeing a Ferrari you’ll see some tech dude with a 1k skin that only 100 people own.

    And yeah you’ll say the same stupid shit under your breath “bet he has a small dick” or whatever. It won’t matter. The flex will be the flex.

  9. Maleficent-Tailor458 on

    While I won’t be buying, if people have this money to waste fair enough. Clearly these sell enough to warrant the design teams time. It it what is it, not saying I agree or disagree, it just… is.

  10. Riot took a look at what people in Diablo Immortal are spending on skins.

  11. Villag3Idiot on

    Playerbase is going to complain, but enough people aren’t going to care and buy the skin anyways.

  12. CoverTheSea on

    Some losers somewhere will pay to get this. It’s their entire identity after all. Games.

  13. infinite884 on

    Man y’all can complain but they do this because they have the metrics and data that people will buy it.

  14. Remarkable-Cat1337 on

    people buy off stupid skins to feel like they are better than others, which is lame as fuck

  15. It’s $250 because there are MANY gamers who will pay that much for it…

    This is supply and demand. When gamers empty their wallets on exclusive skins, the price of those skins will go up.

    Do you think a Louis Vuitton purse is actually worth $2,000? It’s not any higher quality than any other purse. But people are willing to pay that much, so that’s how much it costs.

    I don’t get why gamers feel like they have a right to cheap and affordable exclusive skins. If gamers stopped spending absurd anounts of money on them, they’d be more affordable.

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