Die Ukraine denkt ernsthaft über die Wiederherstellung ihrer Atomwaffen nach – BILD



  1. The west is sleepwalking into an era of new massive nuclear proliferation.

  2. What other alternative do they have? The NPT is dead. Russia attacked a non-nuclear power for territorial conquest and genocide, and the west is seemingly uninterested in committing to stop them. Any country that doesn’t have nuclear weapons, and either wants to remain independent/alive or wants to conquer/genocide their neighbors with minimal interference from superpowers, should be trying to get nuclear weapons as soon as possible.

  3. essex-not-me on

    They should mirror the recently written Russian nuclear doctrine.

    Never mind a genocidal invasion of Ukraine or an attack on its capital, even an insult to Zelensky triggers armageddon. That’s fair isn’t it .?

  4. Dral_Shady on

    If it only takes them a few weeks then I’d say they should start today.

    As much as I want no nuclear weapons in the world, the simple fact is that if you have them your enemy will not think twice, but MANY times before attacking you.

  5. Orcasystems99 on

    The publication points out that during a speech at a meeting of the EU Council, Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that Ukraine’s security can be ensured either by NATO membership or nuclear weapons. German analyst Julian Röpke noted that Zelensky’s statement came as a “blow” and a “shock” to Western journalists. At the same time, he emphasized that the Ukrainian authorities are indeed seriously considering the possibility of restoring nuclear weapons stockpiles

  6. GlitteringHighway on

    The US and Russia promised to defend Ukraine when they gave up their nukes. One country attacked them, the other walks in eggshells to provide support. Lesson for future countries: Don’t give up your nukes.

    Edit: While there was no military treaty, there ware security assurances. That’s the point. But it seems the only real security assurance seems to be having nukes.

  7. They absolutely should! This is a very good example of what would happen to your country if you trust big guys. One would attack you and another one would give you just enough help so you wouldn’t die but never to win.

    Disgusting to see how everyone involved use aid to drive their own political agenda.

    Doubt Ukraine will cross any legal lines if they become nuclear country. They could even say “we either develop nuclear weapons or we join NATO” wonder how fast that conversation will go.

    Ukraine was at the heart of Soviet nuclear program so I doubt it will take them long to get it up and running again.

  8. octahexxer on

    do a raid for nuclear backpacks that russia stockpiles….pretty sure that would shake up putins inner circle knowing there area few in ukraines hands

  9. ZealousidealOffer751 on

    If they haven’t, at least, made some preliminary preparations in this direction…I’d be shocked. What choice do they have. Also, I think the rest of Europe needs to think about its own version of the nuclear umbrella should the US retreat from Europe’s defense in future years.

  10. I would have started the moment the treaty was void.

    “Let’s see how long until we can nuke you in self defense.”

    They’re not going to expect those lone missiles to the Kremlin, St Petersburg, and Moscow to be nuclear.

    If they cut enough heads off of enough snakes on the initial surprise, there will be no retaliation.

  11. implementofwar3 on

    If Ukraine could build a nuclear weapon I would highly highly highly suggest they do. It’s clear Europe and the USA is not interested in saving them. I’m an American and our support while significant and I’m proud, we should have done a LOT more. In years we still haven’t provided a winning formula and the loss of life and battlefield environment is pure horror. The fact a nuclear superpower like Russia can go on an imperial crusade and a literal murder spree to take a country for its own and the response of the world is still not unanimous! China wants to be the world’s superpower and doesn’t even have the moral foundation to reel in Russia. We are in dangerous evil point in history and we learned nothing from the previous world wars. History keeps repeating and we don’t get any smarter.

  12. PollutionFinancial71 on

    Not gonna happen. First and foremost, the U.S., France, and UK will do anything and everything in their power to prevent this from happening.

    If there is ONE thing that China, Russia, India, the U.S., UK, France, and Pakistan would all agree on, it is that nobody but them can have nukes. If it comes down to it, they will temporarily put their differences aside, and work together to prevent this from happening.

    The reason is simple, your ally today can become your enemy tomorrow. Just look at the example of Iran. It’s one thing if you give them financial aid and conventional weapons (even then, to a degree). But nukes are a totally different ballgame. Heck, even when talking about conventional weapons, both Russia and the U.S. have domestic variants of their weapons systems and export variants. Naturally, the export variants are less capable than the export variants, by design.

  13. Rensverbergen on

    Why wouldn’t they? Their western partners are unreliable and building and probably using a nuke is their only chance to survive.

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