Normaler Tag in einem Zug in der Schweiz (Lautstärke erhöhen)

    Von Many-Acanthaceae9537


    1. Must be a Migros security agent shouting at a tourist with an unpaid paper bag. s

    2. lucky you, this wouldn’t even be recording worthy in most other countries of the world 😀

    3. This is not a train, this is an airplane, an Airbus! (pun intended)

      “It’s the PTU that makes the barking noise. It transfers hydraulic pressure from one of the systems to the other when there is a measurable pressure difference, 500 psi. between the two. When the pressure drops, the PTU kicks in. The PTU is located near the main landing gear, and that’s why passengers can hear the noise seemingly coming from mid-way down the aisle, under the floor.

      The barking happens most frequently at the gate and taxi, where most aircraft will run only one engine to save fuel. With one engine off, that engine doesn’t provide power the pump to provide hydraulic pressure in one of the systems. The PTU balances the hydraulic pressure between the two hydraulic systems, and goes on and off as it does so.”

    4. Bit of a stretch calling it a normal day in Swiss trains but it sure is funny.

    5. Creative-Road-5293 on

      Cars are so nice. Clean up public transport or soon more people will be on the road.

    6. friarswalker on

      I’m just back from a trip to Chicago. Trust me, we have it very good here.

    7. _Steve_French_ on

      Guess I’m only on the train on abnormal days cause I’ve never witnessed such a thing in 7 years nor folk putting their feet on seats for that matter either.

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