All certain to lose their riding elections anyway.
Liberals are going to have scrape the bottom of the barrel to find other candidates. Who would actually want to run for them?
Forward_Age6247 on
They know that they are going to get obliterated.
Key_Mongoose223 on
How many women have left Trudeaus cabinet now? 7?
Not a great look.
Born_Courage99 on
Sports Minister Carla Qualtrough
National Revenue Minister Marie-Claude Bibeau
Minister responsible for the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario, Filomena Tassi
privitizationrocks on
Thank god
HanSolo5643 on
The news continues to get worse for the Liberals and for Justin Trudeau.
moirende on
The Globe and Mail is reporting 4: National Revenue Minister Marie-Claude Bibeau and Filomena Tassi, minister for the federal economic development agency for Southern Ontario, Northern Affairs Minister Dan Vandal, and Sport and Physical Activity Minister Carla Qualtrough.
I’ve never heard of any of these people and except for Bibeau their portfolios look like some of those Trudeau essentially made up in order to reach his arbitrary gender and ethnicity targets for cabinet, so I doubt they’ll be missed. Given we know from former ministers in actual important roles that they almost never spoke 1:1 with Trudeau, he probably asked Katie, “which one was that again?” for at least a couple of them when he saw the names.
Still, the trickle of caucus members and ministers announcing they’re not running again is starting to become flood. Despite what many of them claim, it’s obvious they’ve concluded that the CPC is going to steamroll them and might as well leave now with dignity rather than wait for ignominious defeat.
FngrBngr-84 on
That’s a good start, but I’d prefer if it was Trudeau’s wedding party & class buddies. You know, the completely unqualified appointed by their friend to ruin the economy, immigration system, military, etc.
madhi19 on
So far…
BlueTree35 on
Was hoping to see Marc Miller on that list
AustralisBorealis64 on
Crap… I was hoping for GreenPeace Stephen…
Equivalent-Log8854 on
They know they will lose
RoyallyOakie on
Of course they’re not…who wants to end their career by losing an election?
Belstaff on
Rats are excellent swimmers! looks like its a late April night on the Atlantic for the RMS Trudeau.
iLikeDinosaursRoar on
And so it begins…
Oilester on
We have an absurd amount of ministers there’s a few I don’t think I’ve ever seen before and I’m watching ctv and cbc basically every night
losemgmt on
Well they all get their guaranteed pensions now, so why would they run again?
Rats fleeing the sinking ship.
All certain to lose their riding elections anyway.
Liberals are going to have scrape the bottom of the barrel to find other candidates. Who would actually want to run for them?
They know that they are going to get obliterated.
How many women have left Trudeaus cabinet now? 7?
Not a great look.
Sports Minister Carla Qualtrough
National Revenue Minister Marie-Claude Bibeau
Minister responsible for the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario, Filomena Tassi
Thank god
The news continues to get worse for the Liberals and for Justin Trudeau.
The Globe and Mail is reporting 4: National Revenue Minister Marie-Claude Bibeau and Filomena Tassi, minister for the federal economic development agency for Southern Ontario, Northern Affairs Minister Dan Vandal, and Sport and Physical Activity Minister Carla Qualtrough.
I’ve never heard of any of these people and except for Bibeau their portfolios look like some of those Trudeau essentially made up in order to reach his arbitrary gender and ethnicity targets for cabinet, so I doubt they’ll be missed. Given we know from former ministers in actual important roles that they almost never spoke 1:1 with Trudeau, he probably asked Katie, “which one was that again?” for at least a couple of them when he saw the names.
Still, the trickle of caucus members and ministers announcing they’re not running again is starting to become flood. Despite what many of them claim, it’s obvious they’ve concluded that the CPC is going to steamroll them and might as well leave now with dignity rather than wait for ignominious defeat.
That’s a good start, but I’d prefer if it was Trudeau’s wedding party & class buddies. You know, the completely unqualified appointed by their friend to ruin the economy, immigration system, military, etc.
So far…
Was hoping to see Marc Miller on that list
Crap… I was hoping for GreenPeace Stephen…
They know they will lose
Of course they’re not…who wants to end their career by losing an election?
Rats are excellent swimmers! looks like its a late April night on the Atlantic for the RMS Trudeau.
And so it begins…
We have an absurd amount of ministers there’s a few I don’t think I’ve ever seen before and I’m watching ctv and cbc basically every night
Well they all get their guaranteed pensions now, so why would they run again?