Apples geheime BYD-Zusammenarbeit war Vorreiter bei der Batterietechnologie für Elektrofahrzeuge mit großer Reichweite | Die Blade-Batterie, heute ein Schlüsselmerkmal in Chinas BYD-Autos, soll von Apples frühen Beiträgen profitiert haben.


  1. From the article: Apple partnered with Chinese automaker BYD for several years as part of its now-shelved car project, focusing on the development of long-range batteries.

    This collaboration, which remained under wraps until recently, played a key role in shaping current battery technologies, according to sources familiar with the project, as per various reports.

    The partnership began around 2017. Both companies worked together on a battery system using lithium iron phosphate (LFP) cells. Their goal was to create safer and more efficient electric vehicle (EV) batteries.

    The technology was meant to offer longer range and improved safety compared to typical EV batteries of the time. While Apple doesn’t hold the rights to BYD’s current Blade battery technology, this collaboration reveals how seriously the tech giant took its ambitions to enter the automotive market.

    As reported by Bloomberg, Apple spent an estimated $1 billion annually over the last decade on its vehicle project, often hailed as one of its “next big things” before it was officially [canceled]( in February.

  2. Not only has China crushed us on the tech front when it comes to batteries they have crushed us on the supply-side as well. They control 80% of the worlds Antimony and rare earths extraction facilities.

    Batteries are China. Apple went to China for HELP.

  3. great, 1bil/year into BYD improvements. Such a great investment into China… Thank you Apple…

  4. AllegoryOfTheShave on

    Westerners keep building up our future enemies for short term gains.


  5. kingofwale on

    Whenever you hear Apple, the first thing you can think of is…. Definitely NOT battery technology…

    Apple Watch has 16 hours battery life, while my garmin last a week.

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