SIE LADEN UNS AUF! Was ich heute nach der Arbeit inventarisieren und zu den Packlisten hinzufügen muss, dazu noch ein paar ausgefallene Wünsche, die IHR erfüllen könnt, wenn ihr wollt.

Von UFL_Robin


  1. That first picture is the load of stuff I get to inventory after work today, making sure it’s all there and adding it my various packing and distribution spreadsheets.

    There are 132 CATs in there, 80-odd chest seals, 75 hemostatic bandages, iGels, IV start kits, a medical backpack, a soft stretcher, beef jerky (thank you, thoughtful person who sent it!), and more.

    There’s stuff in there for Sergei Chornobrivets, the medic from 20 Days in Mariupol, a new team supplying in preparation for deployment with 3rd Assault, a medic from 3rd Assault, 2nd Mechanized, and the Laser Kiwis, among others.

    I’ve got another 230 CATs en route, along with 5 cases of DripDrop and a minor slew of other stuff for the Laser Kiwis.

    We’ve gotten a couple unusual requests that I found interesting (or maybe I’m just excited to have something novel to procure after 10 years of CATs and chest seals). Maybe you will, too. All of these are on [our Amazon wishlist](; you can have the fun of buying them yourself if you want!

    **Weightlifting hooks.** That new team has a lot of experienced fighters on it, guys who know how hard it is to get their wounded out on litters. They did some experimenting, and discovered that [these weightlifting hooks]( make it much easier to carry their wounded long distances over shitty terrain. **They need another 20 pairs.**

    **Cepacol.** The medic with 3rd Assault reports that sore throats abound, but throat drops do not. She’s requested a healthy stash of [Cepacol throat drops.](

    **Disinfecting IV caps.** [These simple little caps]( help prevent contamination and infection by sterilizing IV needles and ports. Such a small thing, but it makes such an immense difference in medical facilities.

    I still have more capacity. This isn’t yet a hassle. Our board secretary, u/ARZPR_2003, also needs an uncomfortable amount of stuff to bring, too. And everyone always needs more stuff, not least that new team, who need 50 heavy-duty IFAKs at a cost of ~$500 apiece.

    **To turn us into the pack animals we yearn to be for Ukraine:**

    Donate to our **general fund**, which will fulfilling any requests we can: [](

    Donate to the **Laser Kiwis**, who are resupplying after taking their worst casualties since early 2022: [](

    Or, as mentioned above, buy them nice things from our **Amazon wishlist**: [](

    They wouldn’t have any of this without you. Thank you!

  2. Firm-Sandwich8087 on

    Believe it or not, cough drops can be a God send for troops in the field.

  3. Beneficial-Lynx-5268 on

    I laughed when I saw the item for 1.88 cents, ranch dressing mix. Some American fighting in Ukraine missing his favorite thing ever. Great for a morale booster!

  4. MimicoSkunkFan2 on

    You should have gotten all three boxes from the wishlist from us – and now we are sending another wee box for Friday 🙂

    Also it wants age verification for some of the cough drops just for awareness!

    (Tartan doesn’t do that for privacy, and it didn’t accept mine because Canada, so we could only get one quantity of one kind.)

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