Abschiebungen von Migranten nehmen zu, sagt EU-Chef



  1. 1335JackOfAllTrades on

    If you don’t let them in, then you don’t have to deport. It would save the EU so much time and resources.

  2. TheAntiAirGuy on

    Why can’t they just have an EU wide no tolerance policy.

    Entering illegally, instant no-go. Use the official ways, earn your stay!

    Actually fleeing from war and you’re from a neighbouring country or at least a country similarly culture wise? Stay as long as the war is going on and/or go through various integration steps to be able to apply for a citizship (only applies to the individual, family and friends don’t get a free pass)

  3. Capt_Picard1 on

    Have troops standing by the border, guns aimed at people crossing. Let’s see how many dare to cross when the troops shoot warning shots in the air.

    Do it for 1 month and they’ll solve the problem at the source

  4. TheGreatButz on

    I’m glad I had the luck of being born in one of the good regions of Earth. It’s an undeserved privilege only a minority can enjoy.

  5. secretsquirrelbiz on

    I feel like sooner or later one western government or another is going to break the international law taboo that exists on deporting people without the consent of the country of origin and just do it, ie start putting people on flights or ships back to their last port of departure and leaving them there without any discussion or advance notice.

    And as soon as one government does it and the sky doesn’t fall in its going to be on like donkey kong.

  6. Rageoffreys on

    It doesn’t really address the root cause though does it?

    Take away the incentives, namely welfare & indefinite support for those here illegally, then the inflows will subside significantly.

    Then those that still chose to come will understand that there no free lunch, and will be much more inclined to assimilate and contribute to society.

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