Trudeau: Indien hat einen „schrecklichen Fehler“ begangen, als es die kanadische Souveränität verletzt hat


  1. Awkward_Bench123 on

    We have too much Indian culture in this country to drag old world enmities into it. India should be lock step with Canada to help peace and security in both countries. Shame if Canada did the same thing and just blamed it on the Indians

  2. These-Ad2828 on

    Didn’t Trudeau just admit that they have no proof of Nijjar’s murder against India?! I’m so confused…..

    What’s going on?!

  3. SignifigantZebra on

    Trudeau is probably the last person to be commenting to the media on this as he isn’t respected in his own country. Let alone internationally. 

    A broken clock might be right twice a day. But even so.  I’m not going to rely on a broken clock to tell me the times. 

    Not from a quack of a PM who cares more about Canada’s  image on the world stage and his international philanthropy than the people he was elected to take care of. And certainly not Indian news outlets who’s job it is to push the propaganda of the shitheel Hindutvas and closet fascists like Narenda Modi

    Neither are reliable sources of unbiased info. They’re just going to scream their side of the story and that’s it.  Trudeau just made the mistake of admitting an error to people who were never going to admit anything anyway even if they were caught with a smoking gun. Thats petty nationalism at its best 

  4. Canada made a huge mistake for existing
    Nobody gives af what stupid Canadians think .

  5. Kindly_Tadpole_426 on

    I feel sorry for the Canadian people whenever I watch this guy.

  6. Dapper-Percentage-64 on

    The public needs to know what the hell went on here. If India has tried to assassinate a Canadian on Canadian soil,there needs to be big ramifications. No more of this ” well they’re a big trading partner ” bullshit. What is going on ?

  7. kheeshbabab on

    So from the time of initial news that came a bunch of months back to now, if no evidence came and same intelligence as s before then what changed to have it all out now?

    All i can think of is Trudeau’s future in election plus NDP support that is arm twisting him. His popularity is/was lowest.

  8. As an India, I’ll shut up if this guy can show any proof at all.

    I’m sure they have hard proof just that they don’t have any proof that they have hard proof.

  9. Leading_Stick_5918 on

    Canada won’t do shit. It’s just big words and no bite. Pathetic.

  10. thewhitetulip on

    There is this phrase in India “sarhad pe tanaav hai kahi dekhi chunnav hai kya”

    Loose translates to ” there are tensions at the (Pakistan) border, please check if there are any upcoming elections”

    Mocks Indian govts ability to suddenly discover Indo Pak tensions at border right at the face of an election.

    This squarely feels like that.

  11. Itchy_Ad_3659 on

    Russia does worse all the time, and nobody ever does shit. Now we can see the result of that policy weakness: india decided it can do it also.

  12. Otherwise-Green3067 on

    I never in my life thought I would see Trudeau stand as one of the strongest men in IR… but here we are . Good for him. Stronger nations in similar circumstances have bowed down, he has courage

  13. No_Share6895 on

    Time to kick them out and protect your own people Canada. Comon India L

  14. sinsandtonic on

    But if US eliminates Osama in Pakistan it’s ok right? It’s one of those things where it’s ok if the West does it but it’s bad if India or China do it.

    I see it as a small L for Diplomacy but a big W for Intelligence Services

  15. Extreme_Plantain_800 on

    Not to be a Debbie downer or anything, but this is all talk, and India knew that is all Canada would do

  16. FatManBoobSweat on

    lol says the leader of the party controlled by foreigners. You’re not going to win the next election bro.

  17. Better get the special rapporteur investigation going on this one too Mr Trudeau

  18. Torontokid8666 on

    Mistake ? As in a calculated assassination attempt ?. They didn’t crash a car into a Wendy’s.

  19. thegrinninglemur on

    Two things, 1) India will keep arguing “no proof!”. Time to go to the press with the evidence. not the intelligence, mind you. There is a difference.

    2) I suspect the Liberals will sit on that list of Tories which have colluded with Indian gang members until right before the spring snap election.

  20. New-Number-7810 on

    Can Canada prove that the Indian Government is behind this? 

    The India Government had a motive, but a motive isn’t proof in itself. Nobody was ever convicted on *just* a motive. 

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