R. Kellys Tochter behauptet, der angebliche sexuelle Missbrauch ihres Vaters habe zu mehreren Selbstmordversuchen geführt, mehrere Wochen in der „Psychiatrie“



  1. Devilimportluvr on

    Father’s are supposed to protect their kids. Not be the ones to commit the crimes. That poor girl, hopefully talking about it now help her move past it.

  2. What an irredeemable piece of shit. The good news is that the evidence is stacked so high against this human monster that he’s never getting out from underneath it. His life is effectively over and will be spending the rest of his life behind bars. His lawyers, apparently, are arguing he’s “not adapting” to prison life very well at all. He is going to be especially unhappy in the coming decades of his parole-less sentence. Reap what you sow, prick.

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