Ist irgendjemandem aufgefallen, dass sie die gleichen Ohrringe trägt wie beim letzten Interview? Nova h1-Kopfhörer.

Von PartyAffectionate916


  1. Brett really got swept into her wheelhouse on every question, despite acting like he was “tough”. Basically teed-up everything for her to run afoul like she always does, and I must say, this freak of nature is amazing at slinging the bullsh!t. My lord, she basically rag-dolled him in that interview.

  2. essokinesis1 on

    I don’t understand why she’d wear those earrings again, regardless of whether or not they’re normal

  3. hazyperspective on

    How is she cheating, if she didn’t even answer the questions? You don’t need secret ear rings when you spew pre-determined answers, regardless of the question.

  4. Lol I certainly thought so and that was before I watched the last part where her deep state handlers dragged her off the interview rofl. Wtf was that. You’re supposed to at least pretend you’re not a puppet in front of the whole country…

  5. Rude-Satisfaction9 on

    You people will latch on to anything to not admit Trump is completely inept.

  6. mrsuncensored on

    The real conspiracy is all this bullshit two-party fighting to distract you from the fact that no one party is “in control” and nothing is actually going to change regardless who you vote for or what “side” you’re on. It’s always going to be those elite that control everything. Rich vs poor. They do a great job here in the US to keep us fighting against each other on a whole bunch of different levels. We’re all slaves to make the rich richer.

  7. lol…Trumpsters mad over some pearls. I would so wear them they are gorgeous. I guess a woman with her degrees still isn’t expect to be intelligent. I vote she wears them every day just to drive the trumpsters crazy. Funny how this sub hasn’t had a single conspiracy over trumps 30 minute air jacking that he thinks is dancing.

  8. I love a good conspiracy theory… down to my core. But think about it… if you were going to go on national tv and answer questions on a network opposite from your general political affiliation, would you want to have earphones in your ears? Would you be able to understand both the questions and whatever answers Obama or whoever was trying to get you to say? To me, that would only make things worse!

    I tend to believe that every politician I see on TV is completely bought and full of shit but I don’t see the drama with the earrings. What am I missing?

  9. LindaRichmond on

    I wouldn’t be surprised if Fox was wise to it and actively jammed it.

  10. karpet_muncher on

    I cannot wait for this election to be over and we diatribe like this all over reddit go away

  11. nousername142 on

    Painful. Utterly painful. I listen at 1.5 speed cuz I can’t stand her voice. Some should remind her, people tune out when they hear her on a trump rant. Show us policies. (Wait: let me add-fiscally responsible policies. Cuz all you knobs are gonna say is she said this and that and all the $$ that will fix the problem) Show us how YOU are gonna correct what YOU did wrong the last 3.5 yrs.

  12. So is Trump.

    Stop falling for the propaganda that either is different from the other.

  13. TheEternalWheel on

    But no healthcare coverage for actually live-saving surgeries for everyone else

  14. Y’all realize that people can, and do, put in ear rings and then just leave them in right…. People don’t change their ear rings every single day. Hell most women don’t even change their bras every day so why fuck around with ear rings?

  15. I mean her earrings you can see have a dangling hoop. The speaker earring are connected. But also she’s running against the second coming of Hitler. And we have earring posts. Trump is exploiting racism exactly the same way Hitler exploited antisemitism. But go on about earrings.

  16. adam-free66 on

    Americans have more than 2 people to vote for, why don’t ya’ll vote for someone else.. Easy

  17. AutomaticAnt6328 on

    Tom’s Guide has a good article about this controversy…

    Apparently, the company that makes/made these earnings was created from a crowd funding scheme that never took off and was bought out by another company that said they will neither confirm or deny the controversy and only allow Jimmy Fallon to interview them regarding it. Lol.

  18. This is dumb. We already found the exact match of her earrings and they are just normal Tiffany earrings with no mics.

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