Zwei Hisbollah-Mitglieder feuern Panzerabwehrraketen auf IDF-Streitkräfte ab und werden dann eliminiert.

Von Far-Pain5261


  1. Tullzterrr on

    this has been posted before, it’s not the same building, i’m pretty sure everyone agreed

  2. JustACharacterr on

    Not only does that cut make it impossible to tell if anyone was hit, let alone those two specific guys, but why is the second part of the clip a building getting bombed when the first part of the video clearly shows those two guys running away from the building and out into a street? The cut even suggests the area they run towards is an open space. If they had footage of them entering another building and that’s what was bombed, why would they not include it?

  3. guilhermefdias on

    Delete de post again OP, and post it 2 hours from now.

    Obs: it’s not the same building and also not the same neighborhood.

  4. roguetrader3 on

    America would only use this level of fire power for two people if they were Uday and Qusay Hussein. I don’t care what any of you say, this is ridiculous.

  5. Background_Bottler on

    Neccessity is the mother of invention. Under pressure OP?

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