Anfangs fand ich die Sache mit den Mikrofonohrringen albern, bis ich sah, dass sie in jedem einzelnen Interview das gleiche Paar trug, auch heute Abend bei Fox

Von SAT0725


  1. SS: When do we ever see a female politician wear the same exact earrings more than once in a public interview? Like, I get it if they’re personally significant, like from a dead relative or something, but isn’t that strange?

  2. she’s so pathetic literally the worst candidate i’ve ever witnessed, never ever seen someone who needs lines fed to them for ‘live’ interviews, and it’s not just one. it’s all of them, while trump has appeared everywhere with no secret speakers, no lines, no cheats. hopefully most of america sees the truth before election day

  3. The thing I don’t understand is in our current world and the high stakes political radicalization that’s going on why would that NOT be a thing. especially with a paid actor!!!??

  4. turtlew0rk on

    I don’t think anybody’s feeding her answers, cause she didn’t answer even a single one of those questions tonight. Every response was about Donald Trump.

  5. SimsStudiosLLC on

    Well, if they ask her about it she’ll just say “I was born a middle class child, my friend in high school was raped. Does that answer your question?”

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