Bruce Springsteen: „Donald Trump wird nicht der nächste Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten sein“


  1. PriveChecker182 on

    Yeah well they said that before so let’s not get carried away here…

  2. Sekshual_Tyranosauce on

    Maybe. Maybe not. It won’t be decided by declarations made by celebrities. People have to vote.

  3. Awkward_Squad on

    Just wishing it won’t happen isn’t enough. DT knows moves we couldn’t dream of. Plus there is the potential for ’problems’ with the results of the election. It’s not like this hasn’t happened before.

  4. Aware_Material_9985 on

    They said the same shit in 2016, let’s save that talk for after the thing is won. Don’t want to be George W Bush pulling Mission Accomplished banners

  5. So what’s the point of this election?

    Seriously what the fuck does Springsteen know that we all don’t? Why is this an article and a title

  6. Your electoral college will be the only way he does, popular vote he will lose by a landslide, at that point you really have to ask is it working for the people?

  7. hockenduke on

    Let’s not start sucking each other’s dicks just yet, gentlemen. Early vote.

  8. No_Statistician9289 on

    I mean I still think it’ll be a landslide but I didn’t want to say it out loud Bruce

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